Career Advise

Hope I can get some honest advice/feedback, however brutal.

I recently passed my CIPD Level 5 in HR Management. I have never worked in HR but have 18 years Management experience in dealing with the 

Full Employee Life Cycle from Recruitment to Dismissal and every other aspect related to ER and HR, so have knowledge and experience of walking the walk, no backed up with a professional qualification.

I have started looking for Opportunities, but I have found that on feedback Companies will not employ me as I have no official HR previous job title.

How would I get this experience as HR Jobs at the lower scale say I am over qualified to do the role.

I cannot seem to Win, any advise would be a great help please as finding it very frustrating.

The other Elephant in the room is I am 50 years old!!

Thank you 


  • Hi

    Welcome to the communities and congratulations on L5

    Getting that first job in HR is probably one of the most frequent questions asked here so if you use the search facility you will find lots of helpful advice and support. You will even find a few success stories so it can be done.

    But it won't be easy. Your lack of experience, previous career seniority and yes age will all mitigate against you and in favour of "safer" candidates. Many recruiters / managers are risk adverse

    Have a look at some of those historic threads and see if there's some helpful advice there

    Good luck

  • There is a CIPD event aimed at Students who have completed their studies or approaching completion on 8th July which among other great sessions has one focused on job searching within the profession. I have added a link below, the event is free to attend.


    Also, I think it is about really focusing on your transferable skills and highlighting their relevance within an HR context, providing people-related examples, and getting involved with your local CIPD branch will give you additional exposure.