Travel Time/pay when no fixed office location

Hi everyone, I am interested to know what other organisations do with regard to travel time/pay when the employee does not have a fixed office location.  Do you pay travel to the start of their job from home and back or do you include travel time in with their daily hours, ie 8 hours a day and that has to include travel time?  Thank you.


  • Hi Suzanne,
    For a previous employer I was classed as a peripatetic (also known as transient) employee. I got paid mileage for every journey, including the first and last journey. The first and last 30 minutes of travel time was not classed as paid working time.
  • Hi Suzanne, I work in a regional position and can claim mileage for all journeys.
  • Hi Suzanne, the day and pay starts for our field people as soon as they shut the front door.