Appraisals / Performance Reviews


I work for a family run business of 16 ppl, most of the staff have been here a long time and each job is specific to their role within the company, so no growth for promotion, an example we have 3 lorry drivers 2, transport managers 2 warehouse staff, all have been in these roles over a few years and have had extra training for this roles. 

Are they any other way we can  - (the company shall ensure that all employees are aware of their responsibilities and that mechanisms are in place to monitor the effectiveness of their operation)?

  • Sorry I wonder if the question has been truncated somewhat in formatting as I am not sure I am aware what you are looking for?
  • In reply to Keith:

    What I am looking for is a more informal appraisal/performance review, something along the lines of something the guys can fill in and hand back and not a sit down meeting, but wondered if this would be ok ?