Advice Franchising

Good morning all! I am looking to pick someone’s brains....

Our business has developed a franchise arm and we are now in a strategic direction to grow this business and shrink our core business/overheads. 

We are at the cross roads of how best to start positioning this to the market and of course our existing staffing base as we do not want to ‘scare the horses’ as we commence the structural changes to support the strategic direction. 

Im basically after picking someone’s brains who may have supported such a transition in the past to help shape my HR approach to this change. 

anyone had any experience in this area? 

  • Hi Richard

    You are establishing a franchise and will want to transfer staff to it so it seems to me that what will actually happen here is a TUPE situation. Are there reasons why you don't think TUPE will apply? If it does, then you have a framework to use.
  • In reply to Elizabeth Divver:

    Thanks for your reply :)
    It's more about the change management/communication on this if I am honest. There will be inevitably some TUPE or Redundancies etc but I am more worried about how we position this with existing staff as we commence the strategic change. Our staff are spread across a number of offices so if we start in one area the drums will beat very quickly across the other offices which we fear will cause mass unrest :(