5UIN Activity 2a


I am currently on the level 5 and doing my first assignment, 5UIN. I'm struggling on activity 2a, summarise they key stages of the research process. I'm unable to find or access any learning resources on this subject and the theories. Can anybody advise?



  • Hi Emma,

    Have you managed to figure this out yet? If not, I have just completed this module and i'm happy to send you some of my info across that I used. It breaks it down clearly and gives you all the info you need to complete this module. Feel free to PM :)
  • In reply to Rachael:

    Hi Emma, if you need any resources, let me know as i have lots and can guide you through this. cliff.knott@yahoo.co.uk
  • Hi Rachel, could you please share some info that could help me with this module? Thanks