L5 CIPD 5RST Question 1 - Labour Market Trends

Hi everyone! 

I would hugely appreciate it if someone can help me on the following, I'm so close to getting this unit finished.. just really want to make sure I get it right. For Q1, 5RST Labour Market Trends in the UK and another country (I have chosen Greece) 

For the UK, I have summed up points and included stats and comparisons between 2019 & 2020 in regard to; changes in unemployment rates (with reference to covid); changes in recruitment intentions including some particular industry info and changes in pay increase expectations. I used the CIPD LMO survey & OFNS. For Greece, without direct comparisons to the UK, I have summed up points and including a few stats in regard to; economy; employment rates; high unemployment rate for women, young people emigration lowering countries entrepreneurial potential; difficulties integrating migrants into the labour market and covid's impact on worsening these challenges. I got this info from OECD & Statista sites. 

My questions are ..

a/ Does it matter that I haven't made a direct comparison between the two?

b/ Have I got the data from acceptable sources for both?

c/ Am I on the right track in terms of the particular labour market trends I have mentioned for both AND does it matter that they differ (ie. I haven't mentioned anything to do with gender for UK, but have for Greece. I also haven't mentioned anything to do with recruitment intentions for Greece)

Any help or reassurance is much appreciated. 

Many thanks 


  • Update ... I have amendment this question to compare the two 

  • In reply to Katie:

    Hi Katie

    Hopefully one of our colleagues who's also currently studying or has just finished will be able to comment on your approach soon.
    Strictly speaking you should also check with your tutor or the body providing your training since they are in the best position to know what they require.
  • Hi Katie, did you resolve this and get it passed? Would be grateful for answer to your question myself