I am a postgraduate student at Robert Gordon University. I recently read this paper recommended by my teachers: https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/505248.506010?casa_token=lv5YS919u04AAAAA:MnZkFyuHOi-1rYWXsT7BvYUwVR1I7NE58snFQXhshCp5_i0PpsUShf-0r0F5-P5ZHR_AJtudbGA
From what I understand, there are ways to determine if the source or secondary data I am reading is credible and empirical in different ways. I think the papers mentions examples about how to benchmark research on how objective it is.
Are there any specific benchmarks for HR research, or any benchmarks for research regarding business?
Shantall Taylor