Help for dissertation!

Hello everyone, hope you are all well. I would like to ask for your help. I’m starting to work on my dissertation about organisational attractiveness and generational preferences (Millennials and Gen Z), so I’m looking for companies that would allow me to share an online questionnaire with their employees in the next months. The industry is not relevant. Can anyone help? Please drop me an email at saramarg88@gmail.com. Thank you for your time, Sara
  • Hi Sara, welcome to the communities and good luck with your dissertation. Not sure if you have tried other avenues but suggest:
    contacting your local CIPD branch, link on this website: www.cipd.co.uk/.../branches

    if you are a LinkedIn member join any CIPD member discussion groups and post your request there as well

    You may wish to post the same question on the forums for Personnel Today (www.personneltoday.com) and HR Zone(www.hrzone.com).
  • Thank you! Will do.