I have just joined a company and we have a very good CSP scheme for employees in place. I have obviously picked up all the other policies in place and the one for Emergency Time of for Dependants say this is unpaid. Just had someone off for a few days on ETOD and when I informed them this was unpaid, the reply was I will phone in sick then in future, so we are really on a no win situation. Just wondered if any of you had encountered a similar situation and how you deal with it.


  • If they go off sick, do you have a return to work policy and how do you manage excessive sick absence?
  • I think there are a few ways to manage this. ;-) Firstly you can always offer someone the opportunity to take annual leave rather than unpaid emergency leave. Secondly, as Jules says, you can robustly manage sickness absence with return to work interviews and triggers. Thirdly you could, if you wished, introduce a certain number of paid emergency days off.

    We allow up to five paid days per year - but they must be for emergencies and they can only be used if someone doesn't have excessive TOIL/annual leave to use up first (defined as having less than two days leave per month left to take up to the end of the leave year).