Work permits for offshore staff working in EU countries

I am having a lot of difficulty in getting information about what sort of work permit or visa our staff may need.

Basically we have a number of contracts in Denmark and the Netherlands to do offshore maintenance work on wellheads. Our offshore technicians are UK residents and they go to one of these two countries for 2 to 3 weeks, staying either in a hotel and travelling to the platform daily or staying on the platform, then returning to the UK. We have some staff who will go regularly and other who may go occasionally or rarely. They don't have an address in the country they are going to as they are not 'living' there.

There is a lot of excellent information for workers coming into this country to work, but finding out the rules for our category of worker is very difficult. I have trawled a lot of different websites, but the various options seem to apply to people taking up either short-term or long term residency in the EU country. It has also been not possible to send an email or phone to clarify. I did find a phone number for the Netherlands, but since I don't speak Dutch it was impossible to know what was being said on the recorded message, so I just kept pressing 1 until I got a real person who I asked if they spoke English. They said someone would call me back, but would not give me an email address, name or number. So I wait!

Any advice would be appreciated.

Many thanks

  • Hi Claire

    Are the platforms within the territorial waters of the countries your people are staying in? If the work is being carried out in international waters then the location of the hotel they stay in might not be relevant.
  • Hi - i managed to find this which includes information on British people travelling to the EU for business purposes
  • Hi Claire, did you ever get any joy on this issue,

    I am desperately looking for help and advice on current employees who are looking to work on diving contracts in the EU in variouls locations. We are a UK based company though we have a subsiduary and a branch in the EU (Germany and the Netherlands) but we need to send employees from our main office to work on diving contracts.

    I have had no joy getting to the bottom of Intra Company Transfers (ICT) - as they seem to want an individual to work for 90 days (our work is usually far less than that) which also then precludes the ability to apply for an ICT mobility which would facilitate them moving between EU states (you have to have the first before you can get the second). I have had a look at detached workers but have been told by one of my managers that when they tried this route they were advised that its not really suitable because it ws designed around service surrounding a product (for instance specialist engineers for certain products) rather than a service provision (in our case diving).
    Can i Second an employee to our EU business?
    Does anyone know of anyone offering specialist advice in this area, i lead a very small HR team and this is taking more of my time that i have.