Your help please - Research study - The use of objective Talent Identification Tools in the Public Sector


My name is Anna Foster-Ressel, I work for Greater Manchester Combined Authority (which includes GM Fire & Rescue Service) in the People Services team. I am currently studying my level 7 CIPD - and as part of my course I am completing a business research project on Talent Identification tools.

To help this research, I am hoping that you may be able to spare 10-15mins of your time to complete a short survey on Talent Identification methods used by your organisation?

You can complete the Microsoft forms survey here:


(The survey closes on the 4th April 2023)

 This survey is designed to be answered by a member of People Services / HR who has responsibility for Talent Management. If this is not you, then please forward to the person that this is most relevant to. 


Also, if you have further contacts in the Public Sector, please feel free to forward this on, the higher the response rate the better-quality analysis I can do.


Purpose of the research
This research is being carried out as part of my CIPD Level 7 Advanced Diploma in Strategic People Management course.

As part of feedback from independent audits, and from an internal review of promotion pathways for GMFRS it was identified that there was a need for an objective way for managers to initially identify potential talent for succession planning & promotion purposes. In addition, there is also a gap in research & literature surrounding objective methods and tools to do this, and the gap widens for public services, and even further for emergency services. This project intends to address these gaps.

It is hoped that by analysing current practice in the Public Services sector, the research findings will identify and make recommendations of an appropriate Talent Identification tool for the GMCA & GMFRS to use that will support an objective identification of talent (people with potential for promotion).

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me: Mob: 07786703895 HR/OD line: 01616084244 / anna.foster-ressel@greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk


Many thanks for your help,

Anna Foster-Ressel



Research project: Finding the right Talent Identification tool for Greater Manchester Combined Authority (including Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue Service)

You are invited to take part in this research project by completing the survey attached to this information sheet. Please read this information carefully before continuing with the survey, as this will help you to understand the purpose of the research and what it will involve, supporting you to make an informed choice whether you want to participate.

Purpose of the research

This research is being carried out as part of my CIPD[1] Level 7 Advanced Diploma in Strategic People Management course.

As part of feedback from independent audits, and from an internal review of promotion pathways it was identified that there was a need for an objective way for managers to initially identify talent for succession planning & promotion purposes. In addition, there is also a gap in research & literature surrounding objective methods and tools to do this, and the gap widens for public services, and even further for emergency services. This project intends to address these gaps.

It is hoped that by analysing current practice in the Public Services sector, the research findings will identify and make recommendations of an appropriate Talent Identification tool for the GMCA to use that will support an objective identification of talent (people with potential for promotion).

The project is intended to last for 12 months in total running from May 2022 to May 2023

Who is associated with the research?

  • Anna Foster-Ressel

Talent & Resourcing Manager GMCA and CIPD Level 7 student.


Why have you been chosen?

You have been contacted as a point of contact representing a Public Sector organisation which has synergies with the GMCA or GMFRS.

For this study to be successful the research will look to what other practice is currently being used in similar organisations in the Public Sector inclusive of; Local Government, Combined Authorities, Civil Service, Police, other Fire services, which will initially be collected via an online survey using Microsoft Forms. Those that complete the survey will be asked for their consent to be contacted for a semi-structured interview.

What are the next steps if I consent to take part?

After completion of the survey, no further input will be required from you, unless you have consented to a follow up discussion. In which case you will be asked to participate in a one to one semi-structured interview which will take place via a secure Microsoft Teams video call.

Interviews are expected to last around 1 hour, and you will be sent options for dates/times.

If you consent then interviews will be recorded, video and audio, to support the researcher to later transcribe the comments.

Themes for the questions and further information will be shared closer to the date of your interview.

What are the risks and benefits of participating?


By taking part in this research project, you will be supporting the development / recommendation of a Talent Identification tool for the GMCA. This tool will add benefit to the organisation and support future employees to be identified for promotion more consistently & fairly.


Except for time out of your working day to support the study, which we will reduce by offering you several options to work around your working day, any further risks are low.

If you know the researcher then there may be some risk of coercion, that is if people feel obliged to take part due to pre-existing relationships. Please know that participation is not mandatory, therefore there is no obligation nor pressure to take part and all responses will remain confidential and only held by the researcher. There will be no negative consequences.

Your personal data will only be accessible/visible to the researcher and during the data analysis all personal data will be anonymised using coding techniques. Data will not be kept any longer than it must be and will be deleted 6 months after the research project has been graded.  


Do I have to take part?

No, participation in this study is completely voluntary, and you have no obligation to take part in this project.

What will happen to the data collected, and the result of the research project?

Data will be kept securely and only accessible to the researcher. All personal identifiable information will be redacted using coding techniques and deleted when no longer required (the maximum amount of time that we would retain this information for it 6 months after the CIPD grading date of the research project).

The results of this research will appear on the researchers CIPD assignment submission to AheadHR (learning provider) and also be shared with leadership teams at the GMCA. The researcher will share the results with all participants (that have provided their contact details & consented to further contact) at the end of the project.

Data Protection

The lawful basis for processing this data is through consent, Archiving, Scientific and Historical Research or Statistical Purposes and ensuring equality of opportunity.

This research project is a personal project to further the student’s professional development, however the findings from the project will be used to make recommendations to the GMCA. Therefore, the GMCA will act as the data controller for the purpose of this research.

Who has ethically reviewed this project?

Tutors at AheadHR have approved this project proposal including any ethical considerations.

What if I have more questions?

Any further questions should be directed to:

  • Anna Foster-Ressel

GMCA Headquarters, 56 Oxford Street, Manchester, M16EU



Thank you for your interest and for taking part in this study.

[1] Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

  • Hi Anna, This has been done. Thank you
  • Anna, if of use to you I sell talent identification tools (well applicant assessment tools) into amongst others Fire services.
    We have about 20 years experience with our main tool and fire services (it was first developed for control room recruitment) so if you want to talk about anything in more depth than a survey, drop me a message or ring Simucall and ask for Ian