Hi I've started the unit 5DVP and I was wondering if anyone has any sample docs just to get a taste of how to lay it out and the type of content? I'm just after guidance.

Thank you

  • Hi Saf

    What is 5DVP? ;-)

    Kind regards

  • In reply to Jacqueline:

    Hi Jacqueline, its my first unit for Level 5? I'm stuck on Activity 1
  • In reply to Saf:

    What's the unit and the activity? If we know what you're looking at we might be able to point you towards some resources to help. ;-)
  • In reply to Jacqueline:

    Hi Jacqueline. The Unit is called Developing Professional Practice. The first activity is a report and I'm just wanting some guidance of the layout if possible. I hope this makes more sense?
  • Hi,
    Here is a thread from 2019 which may include some answers


    A key element of Developing Professional Practice is learning from others so just coming onto CIPD communities is a great start.

  • Hi Saf

    It's covered in 6 sections.

    1. The role and contribution of an HR Professional within my organisation, and one example of, specialist knowledge, core knowledge and core behaviour, and why these are important.

    For this you need to write a small paragraph on Ameture V Professional. you then needs to talk about the different roles in HR, and try to link it back to your organisation.
    you then need to write about the purpose of the CIPD professional map, and write about the core values.

    2. Examples of where I have used two project management techniques within HR context

    For this you need to do as above, linked to your organisation

    3.Examples of where I have used two problem solving techniques within HR context.

    I used a fishbone diagaram and the 5 whys, and then I summarised it, and what the advantages and disadvantages to using them.

    4. Elements of group dynamics that can cause conflict within the organisation and how this could impact on the work in HR.

    Read up on a couple of theories and summarise and link it back to your organisation.
    Tuckman's Model
    Belbin's Model
    Geert Hofsrede's cultural dimensions theory
    Charles Handy

    5. Three examples of conflict resolution methods that can be used to resolve issues created by group dynamics and the effectiveness of their application within the organisation.

    I wrote about two forms of conflict which could occur in the workplace (vertical and Horizontal) then wrote about positives and negatives to conflict in the workplace.
    i then went onto write about Thomas Kilmanns model on conflict resolution.

    6. Examples of where I have used a range of methods for influencing, persuading and negotiating with others.

    Write about how you have influenced, persuaded and negotiated in your organisaton.

    Sorry if it makes no sense!
  • In reply to Kylie:

    Thank you very much for this Kylie and it makes sense.