Level 5 CIPD - help please

Hi all

Hoping someone can lend some help.

I am on Unit 4 Managing and Co-ordinating the Human Resources Function of my Level 5 CIPD. Q5 asks me to select an article that identifies and evaluates research evidence linking HR practices with positive organisational outcomes. They give a list of authors Ulrich, Boxall and Purcell, Legge, The Black Box Theory of HR etc.. 

I am struggling to use the EBSCO search. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong but I can't seem to find the relevant research from these authors? Could anyone give me a tip or the name of an article I could use for this. 

Any help is much appreciated.

Thanks, Katie 

  • The main works of the cited authors are in book format, not in short articles. Wiki will probably give a bibliography of their works.......
  • Try Hyondong and Kang and their article ‘Strategic HR functions and firm performance: The moderating effects of high-involvement work practices’

    It discusses how a strategic HR function will not be successful without institutional mechanisms that foster employee involvement, support and commitment towards HR strategies that aim to improve performance.
  • In reply to Ray:

    Thanks Ray!
  • In reply to Amo:

    Thanks Amo!