Should we upskill/reskilll or instead hire from outside ?

Hi All,

I am writing to ask for a favour for personal research.

I am researching upskilling/reskilling. As HR professionals, you know this well, but how we build a business case for a sustainable and human-centred approach to skill building is a challenge.
My research is to understand these challenges and bring out the best ways to approach upskilling/reskilling.


I’d love it if you could spare 2-3 minutes to respond to the survey. And share it with colleagues?

I hope you can; thank you. I will share the insights as I collect and analyse these. 


  • i have submitted a response but there are some poorly constructed questions.

    For instance in the first AI related question: i beleive my role is not likely to be impacted by AI in the next yr (option1) but also may be in 2+ years (option 3) yet only 1 response is allowed.

    In terms of business case what you have to show is that the long term costs of continually playing "who has the biggest cheque book" with competitors to get people who can hit the ground running but leave after a few years chasing the next even bigger pay cheque is greater than the short term costs of having to train people up before they are productive (but then stay with you longer)
  • In reply to Ian:

    Thanks Ian for your feedback. On the questions, yes its a forced choice for one response.