Training Agreement - Yes or No?

Hi All,

I'd welcome some feedback on practices in other companies.

We provide quite a lot of training for out staff, soft skills and technical skills along with other training benefits such as,  we'll refund the purchase of books if they request them as part of their development.

Where relevant and as part of an employees devleopment, we are happy to sponsor some training requests albeit we may not be requiring them to carry out the training, it may be more personal development in their roles. For these we implement training agreements, unless the cost was very low and we'd not implement them.

The training agreements last for 12 months after training completion and in fairness, most training that has taken place would never last more than 3 months at the most.

I'd be particularly interested whether any companies have seen signficant benefits or indeed drawbacks by not having these in place.

Many thanks


  • Generally the rule is if its mandatory training they require for the role then the cost is covered by the company, I been in a company where they tried to claw this back I don't think its right but hey. Personal development training an agreement is put in place and its usually 2 years after completion on a sliding scale. You can't leave someone without the minimum wage when they leave so depending on the cost you then rely on them paying this back, in a nutshell training cost agreements aren't worth the paper they are written on because if someone doesn't pay the cost of taking them to a small claims court for the amount isn't worth the hassle so you rely on the "ex employee " doing the right thing and quite often they don't. Can still try though
  • In reply to Fiona:

    Thanks for your reply