Transfer to another team

Hi There, I’m at odds with my line manager and toxic teammates. I have been in the team for 5 months now. I was recruited internally for my current role. I have been told that I was a permanent member of staff and was not subjected to probation. I found out that from my line manager whilst discussing my resignation . As I was working for the organisation for several years now. Can I request to be transferred to another team or site, instead of resignation . During these five months, I was made to believe that I was on probation. Am I entitled to requested to transfer to another team?
  • Sounds like a bad situation for you, Mohamed

    From such limited details of the scenario it’s difficult to be absolutely sure, but it’s probably very doubtful that you have any right to be moved to another team etc. Best thing might be to raise your concerns at first informally but emphatically with someone other than your immediate line manager who might have the authority and willingness to address them - alluding to your acute unhappiness in your current team and might they be able to help you determine your future actions as regards your current employment.

    Might be worth a try first, but otherwise maybe seeking alternative employment and then resigning might be the best way forward for you and your own career.
  • Thank you, David, much appreciated.