Hello everyone, I hope someone could help me. I realise this question comes only few days before the Furlough Scheme will end, however, I could not find an answer and understand if the following situation would have been possible. If a person who worked on a contract through an agency and who was furloughed by the agency until end of July offered to pay tax, NI and 10%/20% pay making up to 80% for Aug, Sept and October, would this have been possible? The reason I ask is because this was the only means of income for that person and if they offered to pay the above they would have been still in a better financial position than having no financial support at all during all this time. Would HMRC have agreed to this? Alternatively, would the person have had any option so the agency would have kept them on Furlough? I would be very grateful if someone could help me to understand. Thank you!