Support with CIPD Level 5 Course

Hi there, 

I'm currently doing my CIPD level 5 course however I'm really struggling with parts of it which have demotivated me with it.

Is there anyone out there who would be willing to help me at all, kind of like a mentor, study buddy or tutor?

I'm still working on my first assignment for developing professional practice and can't seem to get past self-assessing from the CIPD 2012 Profession Map.

Any help or guidance would be much appreciated!

  • hi Ayesha, I have just finished my level 5. Don't worry, it took me a while to get in the swing of it. There are a few parts to the first module and from your post I'm assuming you are starting your CPD. Once you have completed your assessment against the professions map, you should be able to identify areas to focus on for improvement, which will inform your learning activities for your CPD. I also completed a reflection log, which recorded my weekly learnings and future actions (my friend had to complete this as an essay, mine was in spreadsheet format). Some courses may name these activities differently, but the objective is similar. I hope that helps
  • I don’t mind being a study buddy.
    I need the help too lol
  • In reply to Asma Khan:

    Hi Asma,

    Thank you for your reply, that would be great!

    Should we exchange emails and perhaps we can sort something out?
  • In reply to Gemma:

    Hi Gemma,

    Thank you for your feedback, it is very helpful, I'll try and put that into practise.
  • Hi Ayesha, 

    I completed mines last year and can fully appreciate how daunting it feels. 

    First thing is to give yourself a break and not feel bad about how daunting it is, we all felt that way at the same stage. 

    My advice would be to ensure you have a solid study plan, start with a really basic outline of what time in the week you can study and be really honest with yourself in what is achievable and don't beat yourself up if it feels like it is not a lot. 

    Once you have your time you can dedicate to studying down, don't worry too much about the whole qualification, set yourself realistic goals for your study session. Say you have a report to read, make your goal realistic to the time, so say your session is 30 minutes, this is likely to only get you through some of the report but that is ok. It is more important that it is quality time so that you can absorb the information and take relevant notes as you do as this will help you with the assignments at the end. Look at the objectives related to the report you are being asked to read, what you are supposed to understand and learn in this objective and take notes that demonstrate that. 

    As important, is giving yourself credit when you do complete a study session, appreciate there is a long way to go but every study session is a step closer to your qualification. Remember your motivation of why you are studying if you feel off track.

    Good luck with your studies,


  • Hi Ayesha,

    I am too struggling I enrolled on the July cohort if anyone wants to buddy up i’d appreciate the extra support ️