Pictures on website 1yr after leaving

A friend has asked me if there is anything they can do regarding their former employer still having them listed as an employee on the former employers website. It was a start up so just them as the only employee and the employer listed. Wondering if they could or should ask to be removed as it is an under preforming company with very unhappy clients and they no longer wish to be affiliated with it, especially as things didn't end on great terms anyway. Other areas of the website have been updated since they left but not the staff page
  • Hi Michelle

    Data Protection specialists I’m sure will be along with commentary, but I’d think that your friend can complain to this company that they are in serious breach of the regulations by having failed to delete your friend’s personal data once they’ve ceased to be an employee and indeed still to be ‘processing’ / publishing it when they’ve no longer any legitimate reason for doing so. And that if they don’t immediately take action to correct this, they’ll be complained-about to the Information Commissioner’s Office.
  • Ohh that made me think of my old job and I just checked their website... Sure thing I'm still on there even after more than a year!! I don't want to be affiliated with them anymore too so I understand your friend.
  • In reply to Marion:

    I'm sure it happens more often than not as websites or internal SharePoint sites have to be updated by "someone" and it's probably not thought about as part of the leaver process (or because "everyone" thinks that "someone" is checking and updating the said web or SP site!). I'd be inclined to do as David proposes and write to them saying that as I am no longer an employee please remove my details from your internal and external pages in line with GDPR requirements. Equally from an internal organisational standpoint, it is very irritating to try to contact someone identified on a web page or SP site as being a main contact for something and discovering they left 2 years ago.....
  • A very good point to make this a part of the leavers process to check things like this and maybe including photos.