CIPD Level 5 Study Time


I would like advice please from those that have completed or currently studying their Level 5 diploma, I would like to finish this in the quickest time possible and wanted to find out what is realistically required in hours per week of study to do this.  I expected Unit 1 to take less time that it has but now I am familiar with the requirements I think I could make the next lot go a bit quicker and i have the time now to do this.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  I started with unit one by doing all the reading first but found that when I got to different sections I had to go back and re-read so not sure this was the best course of action?  Kind Regards Anne 

  • Hi Anne, all of the modules are very very different. I started out thinking that i wanted to get this done and dusted quite quickly but reality is, some require an awful lot of reading and research, something that cannot be rushed during a lunch break etc.

    For example, if you are doing the diploma, them 5DER (Contemporary Development in Employee Relations) needs a LOT of reading in order to get behind the subject.

    Therefore, sadly i cannot offer any help for you to complete quickly. its frustrating i know
  • In reply to Cliff:

    Completely here you, do you have a set amount of hours study you are seeing works a week for you?
  • In reply to Anne:

    Cliff perhaps I can ask you as well if you don't mind. I often struggle to find authors for reading material, I asked student advice who said I just have to use google which I do but there is alot of nonsense out there. Is there a list of resources somewhere on the site I am missing. I obviously have the vital bookshelf and the textbooks to read there but did not find this a whole load of help in my first unit - I really battled to find good authors to reference?
  • Hi Anne - I completed my level 5 diploma recently, via a blended apprenticeship course. I found that the days that I was in college (once a month) and stayed after the teaching to start the essay were the most productive. As soon as I got out of that habit and fell behind with the assignments, it felt much more of an uphill struggle to catch back up! Covid/lockdown/furlough leave was a strange “blessing” in that it did allow me time to focus on the assignments - I went from 32% complete in April, to finished in July! Overall, and alongside many other responsibilities, I completed the course in 18 months. Had I allocated 3-4 hours per week to it, it would have been done in 12 months.
  • Hi Anne
    I have just started this course this week though my local college. My tutor advised that I should be doing atleast 5-6 hours a week reading and essays plus 6 hours at college for the teaching.

    I will let you know how i progress in the next few weeks.