Is someone available to give me access or direct me to the new centers hub tile as it is not viewing on the screen and the centers update for july their is a 404 error.
Is someone available to give me access or direct me to the new centers hub tile as it is not viewing on the screen and the centers update for july their is a 404 error.
This happens so often, is it an issue our end? The direct links from the centre briefings are broken also
In reply to Steve Bridger:
I am the Centre Coordinator now - previous colleague has retired and apart from the exams team (who access via Rogu) it should only be me.In reply to Una Walsh:
OK, Una... understood. I will contact the Centres team here at CIPD and we'll get your access sorted, asap.In reply to Steve Bridger:
I think the issue is I have my own log on and then trying to access via another too - if Gemma or someone could advise which one to use? Thanks SteveIn reply to City of Glasgow College:
Hi Steve Bridger , the link appears to be missing from Mathew and City of Glasgow College again. Can you please look into this.In reply to Steve Bridger:
Hi, I'm using the college centre login but still cannot see the hub. I have to reset the password every time I try to login as it says account disabled for security reasons on each attempt. We can't see any information from CIPD, even the link in these feeds ( says page not found. Can we please have the new handbook sent directly so we know we are following the latest guidance. Thanks.Visit the main CIPD website
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