Recruitment- screening interview questions

Hi All, I’m new into my current role as HR Coordinator and am down to support Hiring Manager with some screening interviews this Friday. Does anyone have some good resources or tips / questions I can ask the candidates? This is something new to me so I feel a little overwhelmed.
  • What roles are you screening for ?

    What competencies are you trying to identify - use the job description to ascertain these ?

    Basically use the funnel technique and have a bunch of preplanned top of funnel open questions which you ask the same of every candidate (then you modify those going down the funnel depending upon answers before summarising each and moving on to next funnel)

    Keep notes as you go as after a few interviews (if you are doing a mass screening) your memory will not be good enough to do afterwards.

    Having planned and working to a structure you will be less susceptible to horns & halo and more objective but it is a bit worrying you are being expected to do a mass screening tomorrow and have not been taught interview techniques