Unpaid leave when stranded abroad, then back dated fit note received

Hi everyone.  This is a new scenario for me and would like to hear if you feel unpaid leave or sick leave and SSP would be most appropriate.  My initial response is that the period 1 April to 2 May will remain as unpaid leave as it was known from early on that the employee could not get a flight back to the country until 2 May and was taken off the rota for this period as they were unavailable for work. 

Would you pay SSP or leave as unpaid leave?

17 March.  Government advise against all non-essential travel abroad

19 March. Employee leaves country for pre-booked 2 week holiday.

1 April. Employee placed on unpaid leave as stranded abroad and unavailable for work.

2 May. Employee returns to country.

4 May Employee submits a back dated fit note covering 1 April to 3 May requesting statutory sick pay for this period.

Thanks, Aoife

  • Aoife

    Welcome to the community forums. You should get some responses on Monday - hopefully!!
  • Hi Aoife

    Would you usually accept a backdated fit note? If so, then that’s what I would do in this case, unless you have good reason to believe that the fit note has been tampered with or is a fake. The point about the employee going abroad against advice is annoying, but you now have a fit note that covers part of the absence and IMO should process it as you would without the rest of the history.

  • In reply to Elizabeth Divver:

    Thanks Elizabeth. I've gone with back dated SSP.