Assessment Centres

Hi All,

We are looking to start assessment centres soon for new graduates at my current place of work and need to come up with 2 skill-based assessments to conduct with the graduates that engage them to communicate and work together to achieve a task. For example, last year we did a scenario of 10x people stuck in a cave and the graduates had to discuss and present as a team who should get out first based on their situation.

I just wanted to reach out to the community to see if anyone has any good ideas of different skill-based assessments to do this year? 

Any recommendations or ideas would be a huge help! 

Thank you in advance, 


  • Hi Emelia,

    I have ran quite a few assessment centres in my time. The skill based assessments depend on the process of shortlisting Pre and Post the Assessments, which I am not sure what they are in this case. 

    I will however share the most effective evaluation process that I found in my experience and hopefully that can guide you into more creative ideas to develop a different skill based assessment.  Our process involved shortlisting the graduates through gamification of psychometrics, these were very basic competences like proficiency in Maths, Communication, Teamwork, Ownership, etc. All these competencies were defined for each Department where the Graduate would be placed in the end. Then the graduate candidates who had selected Finance as their area of choice, were shortlisted based on the highest scores in relation to the competencies identified for that department and same for all the other departments. The scores were then seen in conjunction with their Video Interviews, that asked them 2 questions and they were then rated on their STAR technique, very leniently. These Shortlisted candidates where then grouped into Team that consisted of 1 Finance Candidate, 1 HR, 1 Sales, 1 Supply Chain, 1 Marketing and so on and then flown in to our Head Office Location for the Assessment Centre. 

    On the Assessment day, each group was given the task to create a product of their choice and then develop a Presentation, which consisted of a slide each for each department. Each group was allocated a separate conference room and they had 4 hours to complete their task. In each of these rooms we also had 3 Scoring Observers, these observers were all Senior Manager level members of the company, and included 1 member from the HR department and 2 from any other department. These Observers scored each candidate of the group individually on Leadership, Participation, etc. After the completion of the presentation the candidates had a nice catered lunch, and then each group, went to present their presentation together to our Senior Leadership Team. The Senior Leadership then also scored each candidate individually. The scores from the Gamification Psychometrics, the scores from the Observers and the final scoring from the Senior Leadership all carried different weights, to select the best candidates for our program. 

    Hope this helps