A novel HR twist...

Steve Bridger

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Community Manager

24 Apr, 2020 12:55

OK, now I might have your attention...

We know of a novelist writing, err... a novel... where the lead character works in HR when they discover something suspicious going on...

We think it's a whodunnit... but the author also wants to understand more about what an HR professional does on a day-to-day basis. 

ps This is not a windup. It's true. We thought it might be a bit of fun if we could surface some possible storylines 

pps For starters I recall this thread. Frankly, it's worth a read anyway...


  • What about the one Robey started about things you'd like to say to employees? That one has to be ideal for getting inside a HR person's head. ;-) It will be amazing to see HR represented realistically in a novel - most of the books I read (and I read a lot) where HR appears, they are usually represented by lazy stereotypes as evil or incompetent.
  • In reply to Jacqueline:

    That is how we are perceived until someone needs our help, then they change their minds!
  • In reply to Jacqueline:

    Catbert: Evil HR Director!
