Hi everyone

I just wanted to say a quick thank you to the very knowledgeable people on here (you know who you are) for keeping us all updated on the constantly moving goalposts regarding Covid-19.

Many hours have been spent posting help and advice on here and I assume most of you are also working as well.

I bloomin' love this forum.  You are all fabulous!!!


  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    8 Apr, 2020 18:01

    Thank you for posting this, Lisa. Seconded. Wonderful peer-to-peer guidance and support. 

    Can I take this opportunity to remind everyone about the webinars we're putting on. There's another one tomorrow (Thursday 9th April).


    Stay safe and stay well.

    ps Lisa... may I thank you for the help you've been giving to students on that other thread. It could go on forever, so feel free to stop when you want and let others take the strain!

  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Hi Steve
    Only just seen your reply sorry. No idea why it bypassed me.....
    Oh and 'the other thread' - happy to help.