Driving to work through Coronavirus situation

Hi & good morning.  Has anyone else had employees requesting a travel pass for commuting to & from work through the Coronavirus situation?  One of ours was stopped by police yesterday and was apparently told he'd face a £60 fine if he couldn't produce one... I've looked on Gov.uk & have googled but can't find anything...

Does anyone know anything about these & could you point me in the right direction if such thing exists please?

(we're manufacturers, so not 'essential' per se...but definitely couldn't be working from home due to the machinery & equipment used)

Thanks in advance, Laura

  • There are a number of posts on this if yo do a search - with some suggested wording

    But a simply form of wording in your circumstances would probably be enough
  • In reply to Keith:

    Thank you Keith - sorry to have repeated a post!...
  • In reply to Keith:

    Hi Keith I still can't find anything after scrolling through the community - is it possible you could point me to something relevant please?
  • Police forces around the country have been told off by the Home Office for enforcing draconian action that contravenes government guidelines. This is a pretty good example. The onus is on the police to demonstrate that a journey is non-essential not the other way around and "I have to go to work or I won't earn any money" is still considered a fair justification for essential travel.
  • In reply to Robey:

    Worth adding, I suppose, that this is of little comfort to the employee who's got to go through the onerous process of appealing, so a letter should cover the following points:

    1. The employee's name and address.
    2. The employer's name and address.
    3. The nature of work and, briefly, why it cannot be performed from home.
    4. The days and hours of work.

    It should be stamped with the company stamp, printed on headed paper and signed by a director, chief executive or HR manager, with their professional contact details.
  • In reply to Robey:

    Thank you Robey that's helpful.
  • In reply to Robey:

    Thanks so much