Covid-19 pay Advice

Hello all, I have an employee who recently came back from a holiday to Covid-19 affected country and as per government guidlines went straight into self isolation. However, he does not want to come back into the workplace after the government isolation period is up as he is worried for the safety of his family. At present, none are showing any symptoms of the virus or on the at risk health list. What should the company have to pay him? As I'm understanding, he will wont be entitled to SSP after this self isolation period as he will not technically be in self isolation anymore. No accommodations can be made for him to work from home as he is a multi-skilled operative/yard based personnel. Is it unreasonable to suggest that he uses his holiday allowance or take unpaid leave? The company is still open and operating under the key workers list but due to the rapid decline in incoming work, we cannot afford to pay all the workforce. Any opinions/guidance on this would be much appreciated! Thanks
  • While you have work for them, your location is open and they are refusing to attend without solid grounds (sick, self isolating on government advice, shielding in line with government advice) then in theory they are awol and you could treat them as such. In the current climate its down to you if you choose to and it might depend on how long you anticipate being able to offer them work.

    Of course there is nothing stopping them saying a member of their family is displaying Covit like symptoms and they need to self isolate for 14 days....and in fullness of time it appears it wasn't Covit....repeat
  • Hi Leah, the organisation I work for advised employees in this situation that it would either be annual leave or unpaid leave. I'm not aware of any guidance which states you need to give paid leave. Hope this helps :-)