Selling additional leave to top-up furlough amount

Thoughts please! Does anyone know if it’s possible for any employee to sell their additional holidays days (accrued over the statutory minimum of 5.6 weeks per year) and to use this amount to top up their furlough amount? Contractually I’m thinking no but if the employee gives consent is it possible? Heads is frazzled. Could be a good option for them to use up their holiday and to keep a steady/slightly higher monthly income. Thank you! Sarah
  • If this is a contractual allowance above statutory minima then I can see no reason it cannot be varied, if that's what both parties agree to do. In effect you will simply be paying for extra days/hours of absence during the lock-down instead of later, when return to work is possible.

    ....And welcome to the "Community". 

  • Welcome to the forums Sarah
    I see no problem with doing this provided you stay at or above the minimum statutory level.
    Don't forget to think about / check whether these payments will be part of pensionable salary, or count for life insurance purposes.....
    Remember also that if these amounts take the person over the £2,500 cap, 80% of the excess cannot be reclaimed.....

    Finally, do undertake some cost simulations with your finance team - to make sure that putting this in place will not create cashflow difficulties in the current context.

    Nice initiative!

  • Thank you Peter! These forums are proving invaluable right now.
  • Thank you Ray! These forums are proving invaluable right now.