Furlough and probationary periods

Hi, we have 2 members of the team who are currently in their probationary period. To date neither had been performing well, and under management guidance they were given clear direction on what was required to be successful in the role within the next few months. With the unfortunate situation now, we cannot now observe or measure their performance or their skill set.  If they are put in furlough, does this mean that we can extend their probationary period to encapsulate this non working period at the other end, and advise at the time of furlough, so that on return we can measure their performance properly?  Or would it be counted as part of their probationary period? 

I would appreciate any help at this time. 

  • As long as you dont go over two years and you tell them in advanced its pretty much up to you
  • At the moment the term and mindset of "probationary period" has no legal significance. In June (all else being equal) that will change, as the "unfortunate" term (which I personally dislike intensely for its associations with criminal punishment, at a time when our outlook should be welcoming and supportive) is being "formalised" in statute to identify an initial period in which LIMITED variations to the eventually intended (and pre-specified) terms and conditions will be permitted to apply. Therefore until June you can treat "probation" in whatever way you wish (within the constraints identified by Keith), after June you might need to review, in light of the new addendum to the requirement for written terms and conditions found in sections 1-4 of the ERA '96 (which changes I have as yet only read in outline).

    While still not liking the terminology, the "tying down" in statute of what terms apply to those initial weeks or months (and the fixing of the "offered" terms as final, rather then those eventually revealed in the contract when it is presented) is in my view a significant positive for both new employee and their (responsible) employer; giving a newly sound basis from which the employment can develop positively and with shared clarity.
