Heart problems non disclosure and disciplinary


Long winded and one sided information from the spouse of the employee so please bare with....

Friends partner has a disciplinary today he's worried sick he's going to get sacked (not good with heart problems)

He was taken to hospital some months ago with chest pains. Told work what and why over phone and followed with a message. Was put on a waiting list for a minor non emergency procedure that is happening in a month or 2 (letter just been received with date) 

Employee told work about upcoming appointment when he heard about it and is now having a disciplinary meeting. For not disclosing serious health issue/ withholding the information as if he's been purposely deceiving them and shouldn't be driving for his job.

Dvla has not problem with driving until after op (then will need to be cleared before driving again)

Dr not advised light duties or not to drive. Consultant not advised can't drive until after op.

No return to work meeting after the absence due to chest pains and no OH involvement. No long term absence. 

Causing lots of stress for them both. 

Would this be unfair dismissal or similar if they do dismiss? (I can't imagine that's what will happen) I'd like to offer them some reassurance. 

Has been there over 2 years. 

Will likely be unable to drive 4-6 weeks after op. This is a new medical condition he wasn't able to disclose when starting the job...