I've received a number of emails from Members who are not able to access member-only groups (those with a padlock).
I'm working through these emails... but if this applies to you, too... please let me know below email me at: s.bridger@cipd.co.uk.
I've received a number of emails from Members who are not able to access member-only groups (those with a padlock).
I'm working through these emails... but if this applies to you, too... please let me know below email me at: s.bridger@cipd.co.uk.
In reply to Cass Clothier:
Cass - are you locked out of groups... or is the issue the access denied message when trying to view a profile?In reply to Steve Bridger:
Thank you.In reply to Steve Bridger:
Im having the same issue but just thought it might eventually sort itself out but it hasnt yet.In reply to Steve Bridger:
Sorry, its access denied when I try to view a profile, even when I am connected with that personIn reply to Cass Clothier:
Ah, OK... two others reported this and we're investigating, Cass.In reply to Rachael:
Hi Rachael - locked out of forums?In reply to Susan May:
Also hopefully Cass Clothier and Clare[?]In reply to Lily:
Hopefully now sorted for you, Lily.In reply to Gary:
Hi Gary - also just seen your email, which I shall reply to now.
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