Employer Branding (Company Website)


I am reviewing my organisations careers pages on the website and in order to help us attract talent we would like to source a fantastic photographer / videographer to help us with the material.

Ideally they will have experience of working with businesses in this area and come highly recommended.

Where would you start to look for such a person / company? 

Many thanks,


  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    3 May, 2024 11:48

    Hi Gail

    If you'd like to source someone externally then it's sensible to look fairly locally to the site where you want to do most of the filming. Search terms on google could be 'corporate photography and video Manchester' (*insert where is more relevant).

    If you are filming your staff, it's a good idea to get their specific agreement to being featured, including the channels where their image will be appearing eg website, intranet, social.

    Make it a collaborative process to get buy in from your people and use an inclusive range of staff represented in any images or photos.

    Just a few ideas! Hope this helps
  • Hi Gail,

    I have worked with a fabulous agency called The X Co based in Manchester, the videographer is fantastic and the business owner is extremely supportive with bringing your vision to life.
