Term time Employee and sickness

When an employee is on a  term-time contract, what is their entitlement to sick leave. All full time employees are entitled to 20 days full pay inclusive of SSP. As this employee only works for 39 weeks how can I work out his sick leave entitlement?

  • Wouldn't it just be 39/52 X 20 depending on how you account for holidays
  • In reply to Keith:

    Thank you Keith. This does make sense.
  • This is not correct - TTO staff member works 39 weeks excluding holiday entitlement, an all year worker is 52 weeks including holiday entitlement.

    You need to calculate the working weeks of an all year worker (52 minus holiday entitlement) and divide 39 by this, then times by the full time equivalent (sick pay) entitlement.
  • In reply to Kimberly:

    As I said it does depend on how you account for holiday
  • On the basis that it's a limit not a target/entitlement, I'd probably leave it at 20 days and manage the situation on an individual basis. Given the Harper Trust ruling (currently, unless it's appealed) there is also some logic in being consistent in that we should not now be pro rating annual leave on a part year basis.
  • In reply to Keith:

    OP has mentioned they work 39 weeks so I have assumed this is exclusive of holiday entitlement - you are right Keith and apologies for any confusion.

    We don't actually pro rata our sick pay entitlement as all-year-round workers are the exception in schools and there's no rule for them being at a detriment... oh the "discussions" I've had about this!
  • In reply to Kimberly:

    I'd probably leave it at 20 days and manage the situation on an individual basis. Given the Harper Trust ruling (currently, unless it's appealed) there is also some logic in being consistent in that we should not now be pro rating annual leave on a part year basis.