Retention data for charity/third sector

Hi everyone, I am looking for employee retention data for the charity/third sector. I am trying to benchmark our quarterly retention score and provide some narrative around this. I have looked at several sources but it's mainly public v private sector. If anyone has any ideas or could point me in the right direction that would be amazing. Thanks

  • Hi Sarah,

    Unfortunately it is very hard to find reliable data sources for free - I did some research earlier on in the year for my organisation. It doesn't help that surveys tend to lump in all charities as one homogenous "voluntary" sector when there are quite large differences in the size and scale of charities.

    www.cipd.org/.../8614-lmo-spring-report-2024-web.pdf - page - this gives some information on labour outlook

    You may be able to sign up for a trial of XpertHR or one of the other survey companies? I am a member of the Charities HR Network and people on their often share information about their own charities.

    Best of luck!

  • In reply to Gemma:

    A bigger issue will be breaking it down by role type.\

    As we do recruitment assessment tests we get involved in looking at early attrition to see if lowered by use of the assessments.

    The retention of staff working for example on a donations helpline is massively different to for example accounts staff. So an "average" figure for charities would only be useful if you had the same mix of staff as the "average" charity. Otherwise it is just a meaningless stat that won't actually tell you anything of worth.
  • In reply to Ian:

    Oh definitely - my charity doesn't have a fundraising team in that way (as a Cathedral the focus is on longer term investments and developments). We know that some of our quirky roles - never come across anywhere else that has Virgers for example - mean we can only really benchmark with our peers. Some of the more generic roles we can to a certain extent benchmark against other local employers as they are our talent competition.
  • In reply to Gemma:

    Could the choir school association help with that as well, I suspect places like wells cathedral school would have virgers
  • In reply to Ian:

    Thanks for the suggestions - the relationships between Cathedrals and their schools are complicated and follow a few different structures. Some schools are part of the Cathedral itself (i.e. the school employees are employed by the Cathedrals directly), some are part of the Diocese, others have different arrangements. (At mine the choir school is a wholly separate entity but there are complex partnership arrangements around land, governance, etc, etc!)
  • In reply to Gemma:

    Hi Gemma, Thanks for the reply. That is what i have also found re the voluntary sector rather than employee based and as we are a small charity around 60 people, we don't compare to the national charities or smaller focused ones. I've seen a couple for reports from CharityJob which has been somewhat useful - www.charityjob.co.uk/.../

    I'll see if i can join the network as well. Sarah
  • Benchmarking is highly precarious work. It is too easy to compare apples to potatoes and arrive at a seemingly rational conclusion but may be deeply misleading.

    I would focus on your own data which hopefully you have a healthy amount of information. This allows you to look at trends etc and if you use them, a statistical process control chart can be amazingly useful.