I understand when a grievance is raised informally against another employee, the next step should generally be to talk privately to the person complained about to try to resolve. However If the employee proceeds with submitting a formal grievance, can I check I understand the correct steps?
1.Carry out a full investigation into the grievance and obtain all relevant evidence.
2. Invite the employee to the grievance meeting and remind them of their statutory rights to be accompanied. Send the evidence to the employee in advance of the grievance meeting.
3. Hold the meeting, allowing the employee to explain details of grievance and take notes etc.
4. Adjourn the grievance meeting to give proper consideration to all the evidence before making a decision.
With regards to the employee who is subject to the grievance being raised, what communication is / should be made during this process?
I presume they would be made aware of the grievance being raised and provided with (appropriate) evidence. Would they be involved in any capacity ( with mediation ) in the meeting) or only informed of the outcome post meeting?
Apologies in advance for the basic question - very new to HR and trying to get my head around this!