HR Apprentice

Hello all,

I wonder if any of you can offer some pearls of wisdom.

My HR Apprentice, who is coming to the end of his Level 3, missed his professional discussion due to illness.

He was absent from work for one day and the CIPD are asking for a fit note so that they can rearrange the professional discussion.

Added to the fact that they would not provide an assessor during the month of December, this now seems like a ridiculous request from a body who should know better about wasting GP time to request a fit note for one day.

This really is an appalling example of this body's behaviour and certainly for my apprentice is not a career path and membership he will promote to peers.

Has anyone got any tips or a contact I can speak to about this situation.

Thank you!

  • Keep it simple and ask the apprentice to complete and submit an SC2v1.2 to CIPD in order to trigger the rescheduling of the professional discussion.
    Note that this form ( which can be downloaded without involving GP) is not normally required until day 4 for the purpose of claiming SSP but could meet the need in this instance.

    PS Are you sure that you meant to include the penultimate paragraph of your post ?
  • In reply to Kevin Elvidge:

    Thank you for your response Kevin.
  • For anyone interested, the CIPD had been asking for a £1,000+ fee for my apprentice to have his professional discussion.

    After much hard work back and forth from my colleague, the CIPD have agreed that their policy and guidance is outdated and they have waived the fee.

    I hope they take some learning from this because I wonder how many people around the country have had to adhere to this guidance when it is unreasonable.
  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    15 Jan, 2020 15:26

    Hi Masooda, we’re pleased to update on this issue, that your situation has now been resolved amicably via our End Point Assessment team, with both line manager and apprentice being duly informed of the outcome and next steps. If you do have any further feedback for the team or questions they can answer please get in touch with my colleagues on 0208 612 6238 or email MyEPA@CIPD.co.uk. Thank you