CIPD Certificates Advice

Hi everyone, 
I am thinking to  start the CIPD qualification as I am finding very difficult to find a role in HR even if hold a Masters in HR and Personnel Administration from an european university, 2 years of experience as a HR Officer in Europe and over 3 years of experience in recruitment in UK.
I still need to decide if  I have to study either Diploma or Certificate, which level ( I was thinking level 5 ), if I should be looking for an awarded or approved qualification and also sourcing the best place of study to suit my needs.
Could some one shed some light on whether I should be looking?  What is the real difference between awarded or approved ?  Which provider ?  Any tips?
Thanks in advance!
  • Hi Fabiola, I sympathise, I know from expereince that side ways moves can be difficult. What type of HR role are you looking for and which of the skills, expereince and knowledge might recruiters perceive you lack?

    One of my team is finishing a level 5 apprenticeship with Arch www.archapprentices.co.uk/. It seems they are now Avado. Our expereince with them has been very positive. Could your existing employer sponsor you through the apprenticeship levy/pot?
  • In reply to Andrea Lechner:

    Hi Andrea,

    thank you very much for your message.

    I am currently open to any kind of HR role as what I keep hearing from recruiters is that even if I do have experience and a master in HR is not in UK. So at this point, I feel that I just need to get a little experience in UK, which will allow me to get my foot in HR and eventually grow my path in the field.

    I will definitely have a look at Arch!
  • Hi Fabiola,

    Based on what you've said a CIPD Level 5 would be a good option for you. Both the Certificate and the Diploma would give you the access into HR that you're looking for so it would just depend on what investment (both time & money!) you're ready to make.

    For an employer there's no real difference between awarded or approved. Just bear in mind that a university course could be more academic and less practical - so probably not what you're looking for.

    As for which provider, you need to think whether online or face-to-face would work best for you. It depends on what else you have going on, but classroom learning will help you to build your professional network which is almost as valuable as the qualification!

    If you are thinking of face-to-face have a look at Acacia Learning https://acacialearning.co.uk/cipd-hr-courses/level-5-cipd-intermediate-hr/. You can study daytime, evenings or weekends.

    Hope that helps
