Training Accreditation


Within the business that I work we are looking to get some of the internal training that we deliver externally accredited but do not know who to approach?   Would anybody be able to suggest a good starting point please.

Many thanks

  • A similar post came up a little while ago Bernard. You're always best to do a little search for the key words before you ask a question.
    But, I'd suggest finding a college/organisation who already offer the qualifications you want and/or finds out who the Awarding Body is such as C&G, RSA etc., and ask the awarding body if they can accredit what you do. Accreditation may take you a longer time than you think.


    PS welcome to the community.!!
  • In reply to David Perry:

    David - many thanks - and oooops - IPD member for a long while and first time using the community
  • Hi Bernard, it can be difficult to gain accreditation for your own learning and development courses and training provision; especially if you are not an accredited centre with an awarding body such as Pearson’s, CIM, AAT, CIPD, etc. Generally depends on the type and subject content. I would advise to contact a local training provider, college, etc and talk through your requirements, they should be able to support at a price! I would also explore funding opportunities and the levy to see how this can align to your requirements.