Suggestions for something to read ...

Dear all,

Just because this is such a thoughtful and reflective forum, and having picked up on a book mentioned earlier by Elizabeth that sounded fascinating, I thought I'd ask for your recommendations for reading matter this Christmas.

I'm not thinking HR texts, but books that have got you thinking, provoked a bit of a response from the grey matter, in the world of fiction or non-fiction.

To get things rolling, I'll recommend Being Mortal by Atul Gawande. A fascinating reflection on medicine and living well as we get older and more frail. And not as depressing as that sounds!

Merry Christmas everyone.


  • My girlfriend is currently reading Being Mortal and also seems to be enjoying it.

    Prisoners of Geography and Factfulness are both quite interesting non-fiction books, although I admit I drifted off Factfulness towards the end.

    My favourite reads of the year were The Name of The Wind, and The Wise Man's Fear, book 1 and 2 of a series by Patrick Rothfuss, if you're into your fantasy!
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    20 Dec, 2019 12:23

    Nice idea, Nina :)
  • Ah Nina - what a lovely idea! I'll be following this thread with interest!

    Fiction wise, I am always recommending 'Flowers for Algernon' by Daniel Keyes. It is a fantastic book and incredibly moving. I want to say more but I'm conscious there are no spoilers!
  • In reply to Alys Martin:

    Alys, I love this book - I know exactly what you mean. Have you seen the episode of the SImpsons which is based on it? They managed to do a very moving version with Homer.
  • One of my recent favourites is Inside the Nudge Unit by David Halpern - it's a really interesting insight about how the government used the theory to change public behaviour. I've been trying to incorporate some of the concepts into my HR practice.
  • In reply to Jacqueline:

    As some non-HR, non-fiction suggestions...
    I recently listened to the audiobook version of Other Minds: The Octopus, the Sea, and the Deep Origins of Consciousness by Peter Godfrey-Smith and loved it. But I am a little obsessed with cephalopods anyway.
    And since Jacqueline mentioned them, The Simpsons and Their Mathematical Secrets by Simon Singh was something that totally surprised me I couldn't put down!

  • The Blind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins.  How we and everything else on earth evolved by millions of accidents, errors & mistakes over time.

    The Singing Neanderthals by Steven Mithen.  How we evolved singing, music, words & language.

  • @Cat - I've read that book about squids etc too. It's a fascinating idea: they are so very different to mammals and vertebrates that they are the closest thing we have on our planet to an alien intelligence.

    The Invisible Woman by Caroline Criado Perez and Why I'm No Longer Talking To White People About Race by Reni Eddo Lodge. They both sound quite worthy but are both really good reads.

    Letter To My Younger Self by Jane Graham - my favourite was the final letter, an unbelievably touching piece by Wilko Johnson, and not the part about being told (wrongly, as it turned out) that he had inoperable cancer, it's his reminiscences about his wife that are so moving. 

  • In reply to Elizabeth Divver:

    A second vote for Invisible Women from me too. It's excellent - it covered areas of data discrepancy that would never have even occurred to me!

    @Jacqueline - no I haven't! I'll see if I can find it!
  • In reply to Alys Martin:

    For those looking for some diversity and inclusivity related reading material I can suggest "Kill The Black One First" by Michael Fuller, former Chief Constable of Kent Police and Chief Inspector of the Crown Prosecution Service. He was the first ethnic minority chief constable in the United Kingdom and the first black officer of chief constable-equivalent rank.

    There's a lot about the culture in the police force (and society) about race that still feels relevant now for those that are into unconscious/conscious bias and organisational D&I culture.

    Not the lightest of topics for festive reading, I'll admit!