Learning about employment law in the Republic of Ireland


My company has recently expanded into the ROI and I would really like to go along to a seminar or similar, or do some additional reading in this area to build my confidence in the employment law and practice in this area - does anyone have any recommendations?

Thank you


  • I'm not sure they'll be many seminars outside Dublin. However, their employment law is almost identical to ours with some exceptions..

    They also have a number of employment law books much like Selwyn's Employment Law. I seem to recall, but google will confirm I remember correctly, I had a copy of Butterworth's Irish employment law.
  • In reply to David Perry:

    Thank you David, I'll definitley check out those books.
  • Eversheds run courses on employment law in many countries, and I believe the ROI is one of the countries in their portfolio of courses.
  • I expect the CIPD NI branch would have some good input for you
    Chair: Lynn Carson
    Contact the branch volunteer team at nireland@cipdbranch.co.uk
    Also, free online access via iclg.com to RoI employment law