National Living Wage 2020

Hi everyone, 

Can anyone advise what the NLW is due to increase to in April 2020? 

Many thanks

  • I don't believe it has been announced yet, but is projected to be about £8.67

  • In reply to Sharon Lesley:

    Many thanks Sharon
  • In reply to Shannon:

    Hi Shannon

    This isn't usually announced until the same financial year's Budget. The target for 2020 - subject to wriggle-room re enough economic growth - is 60% of median adult earnings which of course are as yet unknown but on present trends that's been predicted at around £8.62 per hour. But of course it's all ultimately a political decision which will depend like lots of things on who wins the forthcoming General Election.
  • Hi Shannon
    I to am searching for answer , think it really depend son who maybe in power i have copied Labours manifesto as there are quite a lot of changes including paying all breaks .
    Labour's Manifesto Pledges on Employment Law

    The Labour party has published its manifesto for the 12 December 2019 general election. It's policies on employment law and industrial relations appear from page 59. Key manifesto pledges are:-
    • living wage of £10 per hour for all workers aged 16 or over
    • compel large companies to give employees 10% ownership of the company (to include payments of dividends)
    • bring in additional rights for the self-employed, including free childcare, collective income protection insurance schemes and better access to mortgages and pensions
    • set up a Ministry for Employment Rights, which will roll out (it seems) compulsory collective bargaining on minimum standards for pay and working hours by sector, that every employer will have to follow
    • give everyone full employment rights from day one on the job ('full employment rights' is not explained further)
    • strengthen protection for whistleblowers and strengthen unfair dismissal rights (no detail given)
    • clarify worker status (no detail given)
    • ban zero hour contracts (no detail given, other than requiring cancelled shifts to be paid)
    • require breaks during shifts to be paid
    • extending statutory maternity pay from 9 months to 12 months
    • introduce four new bank holidays
    • re-introduce employer's liability for harassment by third parties
    • ban unpaid internships
    • strengthen trade union rights, bu allowing unions to use electronic balloting, strengthening unions' right of access to workplaces, and repealing the Trade Union Act 2016
    • reduce average working hours to 32 hours per week within ten years
    • keep employment tribunals free (no mention of more funding for the Tribunals Service or Acas though)
    • introduce new Labour Courts (no detail given).
    • make state (not individuals) responsible for enforcing equal pay
    • require workplaces with >50 employees to obtain government certification on gender equality or face fines
    • require all large employers to have flexible working and menopause policies
    • introduce 10 days of paid leave for survivors of domestic abuse
    • extend pay-gap reporting to BAME groups