Intra-Company TUPE

Hi All, 

We are in the process of being purchased by a PE-firm. As part of this acquisition, we are adjusting the company names that our Senior Leaders in the UK fall under. So, our CEO and CFO are moving from "Company Group plc" to a completely new entity for our company, owned by the PE firm and our other Senior Leaders are moving from "Company UK ltd" to "Company Group plc" (not a new entity, one that already exists within the company). 

We are going to follow the normal TUPE rules, there are only 5 people affected in total (including the CEO and CFO). My question is, is there are requirement to inform all employees of "Company UK ltd"?

No one else will be affected and anyone that joins on the Senior Leadership level or is promoted to Senior Leadership level would receive a contract and offer from the new company or be transferred as part of the job offer (with los etc. all carrying over). 

I just want to make sure we're following the correct procedure, we're on a limited timeframe and these changes are in effect from 24 September so if we do have to inform everyone, I want to make sure this is done swiftly. 


  • Yes broadly thats correct - may wouldnt call this a TUPE but in effect it probably is and you are following a good process