Help! CIPD Level 7 Employee Engagement - Business Orientation


I am currently studying the CIPD Advanced Level qualification and have recently received remediation for my employee engagement assignment, disappointingly after receiving minimal support with the assignment however I need to rework and resubmit.

Having completed a degree a few years ago I have given quite a lot of literature review but struggled to demonstrate how this links to my organisation and what the culture is like in my organisation, can anyone provide some guidance on how I do this?  I may just be over complicating the process but need some help with it.

Thanks in advance,


  • Hi Kirsty - can you advise what the question is ? If it is about improving engagement I would link the research ie what the literature suggests improve engagement with what your company is doing. Make reference critically ie what works, what doesn’t but not possible different contexts. One of the challenges is an agreed definition of engagement so how does your organise define it? Also what are the benefits and again how does it link to your organising especially how is it measured - surveys etc . Hope that helps for now but your might want to elaborate and hopefully some of my points will resonate
  • In reply to Sean Lawford:

    Hi Sean, thanks for the reply. The question is; explain the empirical and philosophical connections between employee engagement, managerial leadership, strategic aspirations and HR strategies focused on infrastructure, maintenance and also the development of HRM competitive differentiators. Engagement survey results indicate that engagement is very high in my organisation, across a lot of areas but there are some areas of improvement I can recommend. Thanks for your help.
  • There is certainly a debate around employee engagement and the relationship with competitive differentiators. To what extent does your organisation reflect the literature - retention, recruitment, performance etc.