HRIS and payroll recommendations

Hi Everyone,

I'm looking for recommendations on a HR system which also does payroll.

The HR system needs to have ATS and performance included.

I work for a medium sized charity so cost is obviously an issue.

Would love to hear your recommendations on this.



  • Hi Heather, cannot offer any recommendations but if you can spare some time to look through historical threads you'll find this topic crops up quite often.
  • AAaaaaah. No.

    Sorry, you're not going to find an HRIS that does all that as a standalone package at the kind of annual subscription that a charity will likely want to afford. You're talking about a full-on Cascade/Cezanne/MHR solution coming in at ~£8-10k per annum (headcount depending).

    However, you could easily get an HRIS with bolt-on ATS that will also do a data export to Sage and just get Sage50 Payroll. You'll probably want to get the pensions module, too (I recommend it). PeopleHR is probably the best choice in terms of data export to Sage for reasonable cost, but I don't know if it has a bolt-on ATS. breatheHR has a good ATS bolt-on, but doesn't do a payroll export (that I know of). This would likely come in at about £3-4k pa, depending on your choice. breatheHR is a good entry-level HRIS and free for charities, so that's a big saving right there, but I wouldn't recommend it for organizations with more than 200 staff.

    Sage, of course, also does its own HRIS alongside its Payroll and other products, but much as I'm a fan of its payroll software, its HRIS is *not* user friendly.
  • In reply to Robey:

    Unfortunately Breathe is no longer free to charities (and it was only free to charities with under 250 headcount) as they only had so many free licences to give away. They've now reached that limit (we signed up just before the end of that offer), but I believe they do still do a charity discount. I'd heartily recommend the system - it's easy to implement, easy to use, easy to report from. We haven't investigated a payroll export, but I think you can do something that allows payroll data to be moved in and out of Breathe.
  • Hi Heather
    We are an SME with 60 staff, I'm currently reviewing HRMS options and am looking at CitrusHR, BreatheHR, and People HR which area all reasonably priced and have good feedback/recommendations on other Community threads including "What is the best HR System to implement into a small-yet-growing business?" Depending on what you want when you say 'payroll', these all appear to provide exportable payroll files for upload into payroll systems/export to payroll agencies and in the last half hour I've now had a call with a sales rep from MHR's PeopleFirst which offers seamless integration with their managed payroll service for only a small uplift in premium level. On costs I've ruled out CascadeGo (good but seemingly a lot more expensive) and BambooHR (very American in tone, not a good fit for our company culture).

    Hope this helps and good luck!

  • In reply to Claire :

    Thanks so much Claire, we are around 110 staff. I've used PeopleHr before and I like it a lot and I think it can be linked to Sage (but not sure), be interested to see how you go with the other companies so keep me posted.
  • Hi Heather

    We have an HRIS selector tool which may help: www.silvercloudhr.co.uk/.../

    Good luck.
  • Hi Heather
    Since my last comment on this we are now reviewing People-First which is MHR's SME offering and has the option of seamless integration with their managed payroll service I-Trent. (This does away with exporting spreadsheets from one system and importing into another). I am about to commence a trial with them, I believe ATS is included as you can do on-boarding with the product, I'm not sure about the performance element but will know more once I've had commenced the trial. Pricing is per person per month and for 60 staff we've been quoted figures about half of the Cascade/Cezanne solution which is mentioned above.

    I hope this helps
  • In reply to Claire :

    "Michael"'s post is, unfortunately, a bot, quoting a previous post and then copy-pasting my previous answer below it.

    #castsSummonModerator Steve Bridger
  • Steve Bridger

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    15 Nov, 2019 15:20

    In reply to Robey:

    Sorted. Thanks.