Insurance for high risk activities

Hi all, 

Every year we take our team abroad for a Christmas party, where we provide activities, accommodation and food for a weekend. This year we're taking everyone to a skiing resort where we will be doing various activities that has been paid by us. However, skiing is not an activity we sponsor BUT there will be enough time for people to rent their own equipment and go skiing for a bit. 

Does anyone have any experience in regards to this? If an accident was to occur, would we as the employer be liable as we have arranged the weekend even though we did not arrange for the skiing? 

We do have a business insurance and I'm looking into if it covers us for high risk activities or not.. if not I may..

1. Buy an additional insurance for the team that weekend

2. Create a disclaimer that people have to sign and ask them to be prepared with their own travel insurance

Could anyone please provide some thoughts and input?



  • You take people to a ski resort .... what do you expect them to do ?

    I would make sure you have adequate insurance cover.

    Welcome to the communities.
  • In reply to Keith:

    Well we've organised for other activities, but then people can choose to do it on their own dime so let's see how that goes down.

    Thanks for your advice!
  • In reply to Keith:

    Well we've organised for other activities, but then people can choose to do it on their own dime so let's see how that goes down.

    Thanks for your advice!
  • In reply to Teresia:

    Who pays for the hire of the skis isn’t that important to me. I would get comprehensive group insurance. Chances are if the worst happens and you need to air ambulance someone back and they didn’t have insurance you would pay for it anyway no matter what scrap of paper you got them to sign.