ICS Tutors inconsistent feedback

Hi all,

I am at a loss with some feedback I've received for A.C's 2.3 on the new brief for 5HR01. I am studying with ICS Learn.

In June, I made a submission and for the particular A.C. in question I received a grading of 3 (pass). The feedback was: "our answer distinguishes well between third-party conciliation, mediation, and arbitration. There was scope for further clarity and accuracy. Yet, your answer is clearly discussed, and referenced with relevant literature good work."

August came, new briefs came, and so I had to resubmit from scratch (which I had planned to do anyway to go for a higher overall mark). Anyway, the A.C. was included in the new brief with no changes. The exact same question. So, I mapped across my answer from June, and this is the feedback I have had (from the same tutor): "Very well done so far, you provide a detailed explanation of third-party conciliation, mediation, and arbitration. You now need to provide a distinction between these 3 forms of ADR.".

I resubmitted my second attempt and this was the feedback: "Thanks for you resubmission, you now need to engage meaningfully with the specific requirements of the AC and feedback originally provided to ensure your 3rd submission is of a pass standard"

I am genuinely struggling to understand this. How the very same answer to the very same question was graded a 3 only two months ago, is now a 1??? I am now capped at a low pass as it will be my 3rd attempt.

Interested if anyone else has any similar experience, and wether they've appealed this kind of feedback? I have contacted the tutor asking for an explanation, as I find this level of inconsistency astounding. concerning even. The tutor grading me a 1 now is the same tutor that graded me a 3 back in June, for the exact same answer.
