Apostrophes not sorted on Digital Membership card!

Installed the app. Read an update saying apostrophe issues on surnames fixed. Apparently not.
  • Steve Bridger Can you help, Steve?

  • Is this still a capital offense or do we now transport to the colonies for it?
  • In reply to Keith:

    It's probably pretty important to everyone who has an apostrophe in their name. I know I hate it when people spell my name wrong.
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    31 Oct, 2019 17:10

    Hi Tom,

    Where are you seeing the issue? 

    Here... or on the card itself?

  • It's on both the card and the account screen. I can confirm this...
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    31 Oct, 2019 18:38

    In reply to David D'Souza:

    Still the account screen, David?
  • Yes. Still account screen and card
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    1 Nov, 2019 08:43

    Tom, David... can you please check you have the most up-to-date version of the app, please. I'm assured this issue was fixed.

    That is 1.0.3 on iOS and on Android.

  • No problems here and showing IOS v 1.0.3
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    1 Nov, 2019 09:02

    In reply to David:

    Hi David... this was specific issue fro those with apostrophes in their name!
  • I don't have the option to update. Ben is on the case (as ever)
  • Sorry - should have noticed it was said to be error of omission and not assumed the converse
    BTW, merely pressing ‘return’ on my version sends the whole message - emulates FB I think in that regard, but there’s a send option too, so why not allow p
    Sorry - assumed it was an error of commission rather than omission as I should have picked up if I’d read the whole thread
  • Oops - please ignore other than the last paragraph - I was mistaken again in thinking that return key sends the message - it only disappears, because I’m using the app on an iPad and for some reason it only shows 1.5 lines of the message being composed.

    (Oh, well - back to  old version and screen....)

  • In reply to Keith:

    LOL - I get you might feel it's trivial and in the grand scheme of things it probably is.
    It can be a proverbial pain in the rumpus, not only incorrect for the spelling, but I've had no end of issue trying to verify a purchase where I'm asked to enter my name exactly as it is on my debit card, which includes the apostrophe, and then the verifying software being unable to deal with it, so I put my name in without it, and the software says that's not what's on the card...endless loop of pain. And presumably there are millions of people worldwide who have an apostrophe - it just shouldn't be an issue.
  • Hi Joanne. All I can confirm is that the Membership Director of the CIPD feels your pain. I understand it isn't trivial...but the team are on it. Kind regards, David D&-/Souza