Membership card date

Hi I too love the convenience of the membership card... could the date be added to so that it proves its current ?
  • Hi Samantha, welcome to the communities, mine has the renewal date in the bottom left corner, same for you??
  • In reply to Clare Marie:

    Ooh, mine doesn't. I've just checked on the app. I had presumed that logging in to the app showed we were current members so if we weren't current members we wouldn't be able to log in and show the card. Off course that doesn't stop anyone screenshotting the card, so maybe having the renewal date on would be useful. I wonder how easy it is. Steve Bridger
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    1 Nov, 2019 14:43

    Hi All,

    No renewal date as yet. We're looking at including that in a future release. There is quite a bit of 'logic' to work through so we kept it out of this first app release.

    Watch this space.