HRIS Advice please

Hi All,

I have just started working for a manufacturing company that recognise the need for an HRIS but the two Directors/Owners are completely against a cloud-based version as they are concerned about ownership and security of data.

I have experience of CascadeGo and implemented it in my previous Company.  This was cloud based and offered flexible payment options.  The company are currently considering OpenHR but their current HR Consultant has reccommened MyHRToolkit (which is cloud based).  I understand setup costs for a server-based version are in the tens of thousands which seems risky to me!

I want a system that has the potential to manage data, documents, appraisals and perhaps with payroll as an add-on as we are also looking to review the way we handle payroll.

Any advice regarding the pros and cons of server vs cloud-based options?  There seem to be so many products out there that I don't know where to start!  My leaning is towards the cloud-based versions since they are more flexible but I need more than this to take to the Director.

Thanks in advance


  • Hi Jo!
    I have worked with both types of platforms and love the flexibility of cloud based ones. Not only are they much more efficient and productive, they are also more user friendly too.
    I have worked alongside a few cloud based systems and know that security is high on their agenda, so I hope this offers some reassurance.
    I implemented NaturalHR at a previous workplace and couldn't speak more highly of them. They now have a payroll module too which makes the whole process much more centralised.
    I have a contact there - Sam Bamber, his email is sam.bamber@naturalhr.com.
    Good Luck!
  • Hi Jo,

    Perhaps approach it from the after-sales support side of things. In my opinion a cloud based system would get better after sales support as if something is not working correctly they don't have to try and get access to your servers to figure out whats wrong. If it's located on your servers then you are relying on your IT support which may be fine for the sever but probably for the actual system may not be ideal. At least if it's cloud based the provider can get straight in and investigate and it's not going to suddenly stop working if your sever throws a hissy fit!.
  • In reply to Naomi:

    Thanks so much Naomi, this is really helpful!
  • Hi Jo

    A few things which might be useful

    HRIS selector tool: www.silvercloudhr.co.uk/.../
    HRIS Business case resource: www.silvercloudhr.co.uk/.../

    Cloud-based is really the only way to go these days. Not many HRIS companies are investing in their on-premise solutions so you wouldn't be able to future proof it. It saves server costs and IT involvement and will allow people to access from home. Happy to give you more reasons if you need them. We write business cases all the time.